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Please note a voluntary recall for San Souci D2D Flower, 14.0g (Batch GH2FL2102424). This recall is precautionary. CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS Please note a voluntary recall for San Souci D2D Flower, 14.0g (Batch GH2FL2102424). This recall is precautionary. CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS Please note a voluntary recall for San Souci D2D Flower, 14.0g (Batch GH2FL2102424). This recall is precautionary. CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS Please note a voluntary recall for San Souci D2D Flower, 14.0g (Batch GH2FL2102424). This recall is precautionary. CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS

What Does the ‘Rescheduling’ of Cannabis Mean?

On April 30th, the DEA announced that they will be rescheduling marijuana from a Schedule I drug, defined as having no accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse, to a Schedule III drug, recognized for its medical potential and lower risk of dependence. But what does all of this mean, and is it a good thing?

In this blog, we’ll walk through drug scheduling and discuss Pecos Valley Production’s response to this move.

What is Drug ‘Scheduling’?

Drug scheduling in the United States is a system used to classify drugs and other substances based on their acceptable medical use and potential for abuse and dependency. This classification system is overseen by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The schedules range from Schedule I to Schedule V:

  • Schedule I drugs are considered the most dangerous, with no currently accepted medical use in the US, a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision, and a high potential for abuse. Examples include heroin and LSD.

  • Schedule II drugs are those that have a high potential for abuse, which may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence, but also have currently accepted medical uses in the US. Examples include cocaine and methamphetamine.

  • Schedule III drugs have a lower potential for abuse than Schedule I or II drugs, have a currently accepted medical use in the US, and abuse may lead to moderate or low physical dependence or high psychological dependence. Examples include products containing less than 90 milligrams of codeine per dosage unit (like some painkillers) and anabolic steroids.

  • Schedule IV drugs have a low potential for abuse relative to substances in Schedule III and include drugs like Xanax and Valium.

  • Schedule V drugs have a lower potential for abuse than Schedule IV and consist of preparations containing limited quantities of certain narcotics, often used for antidiarrheal, antitussive, and analgesic purposes.

person in lab suit in cannabis farm

What Schedule is Cannabis Now Classified Under?

Since the Controlled Substances Act established this drug scheduling in 1970, cannabis has been listed as a Schedule I drug. As we mentioned above, it has now been rescheduled to Schedule III, acknowledging its potential medical uses and therefore facilitating more research into its benefits and risks. This also reflects the evolving attitudes towards cannabis and its derivatives, and may affect the legal frameworks and regulatory requirements surrounding the plant.  

Limitations of Rescheduling Cannabis

As one of New Mexico’s first medical cannabis producers, Pecos Valley Production acknowledges the recent news surrounding the DEA’s proposed reclassification of marijuana. While we view this as a positive step towards recognizing the potential benefits of the plant for both medical patients and recreational consumers, we recognize the limitations of the current action:

  • Short-Term Impact: Reclassification to Schedule III likely won’t drastically alter the immediate landscape for the cannabis industry at the federal level. Access to traditional banking and other mainstream business advantages enjoyed by other industries will likely remain restricted for some time.

  • Focus on Quality and Safety: Pecos Valley Production remains steadfast in our commitment to delivering high-quality cannabis products, exceeding industry standards for both our medical and recreational customers. We see the reclassification as an opportunity to further research and validate the medicinal applications of the plant, ultimately improving patient care and outcomes while ensuring responsible and safe recreational use.

  • Long Road Ahead: We anticipate a long and winding road before the full potential of this policy shift is realized. Pecos Valley Production will continue to advocate for comprehensive cannabis reform that removes unnecessary federal restrictions and allows the industry to operate with the same legal and financial advantages as other businesses, ultimately benefiting all consumers.

  • Maintaining Unwavering Standards: Pecos Valley Production is unwavering in our commitment to operating our facilities at the highest standards, surpassing industry norms. We hold ourselves to the strictest testing standards available, guaranteeing that our cannabis products, both medical and recreational, meet food and medicine-grade quality requirements.

PVP Medical & Recreational Dispensaries in New Mexico – Dedicated to Advocating for Cannabis Reform

At Pecos Valley Production, we remain dedicated to leading by example, advocating for further reforms, and continuing to deliver products that exceed current standards. As we move forward, we’re optimistic about the future of the cannabis industry and its potential to provide innovative solutions for both medical patients and recreational consumers.

The road ahead is long, but we believe that the progress made with this reclassification paves the way for a more inclusive and scientifically-grounded framework for cannabis.

*The contents of this blog are intended for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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